This is a very basic example on how to implement a nearly-incompressible version of the Neo-Hookean material model in a commercial FEM package (HYPELA2 for Marc or UMAT for Abaqus).
The strain energy density function per unit reference volume is additively splitted into an isochoric and volumetric contribution, see Eq. \(\eqref{eq:psi}\). The first one is assumed to be proportional to the first invariant of the isochoric part of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor whereas the volumetric part is only a function of the volumetric ratio (the determinant of the deformation gradient), see Eq. \(\eqref{eq:psi-nh}\).
\[\begin{align} \psi(\mathbf{C}) &= \psi(\mathbf{\hat C}) + U(J) \label{eq:psi} \\ \psi(\mathbf{C}) &= \text{C}_{10} (\text{I}_\mathbf{\hat C}-3) + \frac{\kappa}{2} (J-1)^2 \label{eq:psi-nh} \end{align}\]We get the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress with the derivative of the strain energy density function per unit reference volume with respect to one half of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor as shown in Eq. \(\eqref{eq:pk2-nh}\).
\[\begin{align} \mathbf{S} &= \frac{\partial \psi(\mathbf{C})}{\partial \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{C}} \nonumber \\ \mathbf{S} &= 2\text{C}_{10} \ \text{dev}(\hat{\mathbf{C}}) \mathbf{C}^{-1} + \kappa (J-1) J \mathbf{C}^{-1} \label{eq:pk2-nh} \end{align}\]By evaluating the derivative of the stress with respect to one half of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor we get the material elasticity tensor, see Eq. \(\eqref{eq:c4-nh}\),
\[\begin{align} \mathbb{C} &= \frac{\partial \mathbf{S}}{\partial\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{C}} \nonumber \\ \mathbb{C} &= 2\text{C}_{10} J^{-2/3} \frac{2}{3} \ (\text{tr}(\mathbf{C}) \ \mathbb{I} - \mathbf{1} \otimes \mathbf{C}^{-1} - \mathbf{C}^{-1} \otimes \mathbf{1} + \frac{1}{3} \text{tr}(\mathbf{C}) \ \mathbf{C}^{-1} \otimes \mathbf{C}^{-1}) \nonumber \\ &+ \left(\kappa (J-1) J + \kappa J^2\right) \ \mathbf{C}^{-1} \otimes \mathbf{C}^{-1} - 2 \kappa (J-1) J \ \mathbb{I} \label{eq:c4-nh} \end{align}\]with the fourth order identity tensor in Eq. \(\eqref{eq:i4}\).
\[\begin{align} \mathbb{I} &= \mathbf{C}^{-1} \odot \mathbf{C}^{-1} \nonumber \\ \mathbf{C}^{-1} &= \mathbb{I} : \mathbf{C} \label{eq:i4} \end{align}\]Implementation for Marc
HYPELA2 User Subroutine for Marc
Eq. \(\eqref{eq:pk2-nh}\) and Eq. \(\eqref{eq:c4-nh}\) are implemented in a Total Lagrange user subroutine with the help of this Tensor module.
As no special two- or three-field variational principle is used in this example, it is not suitable for nearly-incompressible material behaviour. Otherwise the elements tend to show excessive volumetric locking during deformation and hence, wrong results are calculated.
include 'ttb/ttb_library.f'
subroutine hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,m,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,
2 nshear,disp,dispt,coord,ffn,frotn,strechn,eigvn,ffn1,
3 frotn1,strechn1,eigvn1,ncrd,itel,ndeg,ndm,
4 nnode,jtype,lclass,ifr,ifu)
! HYPELA2: Nearly-Incompressible Neo-Hookean Material
! Example for usage of Tensor Toolbox
! capability: 3D, Axisymmetric
! Formulation: Total Lagrange
! Voigt Notation: Change commented Tensor Datatypes
! Andreas Dutzler, 2018-01-02, Graz University of Technology
use Tensor
implicit none
integer :: ifr,ifu,itel,jtype,ncrd,ndeg,ndi,ndm,ngens,
* nn,nnode,nshear
integer, dimension(2) :: m,matus,kcus,lclass
real(kind=8), dimension(*) :: e,de,t,dt,g,s
real(kind=8), dimension(itel) :: strechn,strechn1
real(kind=8), dimension(ngens,*) :: d
real(kind=8), dimension(ncrd,*) :: coord
real(kind=8), dimension(ndeg,*) :: disp, dispt
real(kind=8), dimension(itel,3) :: ffn,ffn1,frotn,frotn1
real(kind=8), dimension(itel,*) :: eigvn,eigvn1
type(Tensor2) :: F1
real(kind=8) :: J,kappa,C10
! to use voigt notation change to type Tensor2s, Tensor4s
type(Tensor2) :: C1,invC1,S1,Eye
type(Tensor4) :: C4
! material parameters
C10 = 0.5
kappa = 5.0
Eye = identity2(Eye)
F1 = ffn1(1:3,1:3) ! use slices (ffn1 is an assumed size array)
J = det(F1)
! right cauchy-green deformation tensor and it's inverse
C1 = transpose(F1)*F1
invC1 = inv(C1) ! faster method: invC1 = inv(C1,J**2)
! pk2 stress
S1 = 2.*C10*J**(-2./3.)*dev(C1)*invC1 + kappa*(J-1)*J*invC1
! material elasticity tensor
C4 = 2.*C10 * J**(-2./3.) * 2./3. *
* ( tr(C1) * (invC1.cdya.invC1)
* - (Eye.dya.invC1) - (invC1.dya.Eye)
* + tr(C1)/3. * (invC1.dya.invC1) )
* + (kappa*(J-1)*J+kappa*J**2) * (invC1.dya.invC1)
* - 2.*kappa*(J-1)*J* (invC1.cdya.invC1)
! output as array
s(1:ngens) = asarray( voigt(S1), ngens )
d(1:ngens,1:ngens) = asarray( voigt(C4), ngens, ngens )
Implementation for Abaqus
UMAT User Subroutine for Abaqus
Abaqus uses an Updated-Lagrange approach and hence, Eq. \(\eqref{eq:pk2-nh}\) and Eq. \(\eqref{eq:c4-nh}\) are transformed and implemented in a user subroutine with the help of this Tensor module.
include 'ttb/ttb_library.f'
! ABAQUS UMAT: Nearly-Incompressible Neo-Hookean Material
! Example for usage of Tensor Toolbox
! capability: 3D, Axisymmetric
! Formulation: Total Lagrange with push forward for Abaqus
! Andreas Dutzler, 2018-07-22, Graz University of Technology
use Tensor
! `implicit none` is not supported if 'ABA_PARAM.INC' is included.
! declare all double-variables which start with `i,j,k,l,m,n`
! - otherwise they will be integers
! implicit none
4 JSTEP(4)
type(Tensor2) :: F1
real(kind=8) :: J,kappa,C10
type(Tensor2s) :: C1,invC1,S1,Eye
type(Tensor4s) :: C4
! material parameters
C10 = 0.5
kappa = 5.0
Eye = identity2(Eye)
F1 = dfgrd1(1:3,1:3)
J = det(F1)
! right cauchy-green deformation tensor and its inverse
C1 = transpose(F1)*F1
invC1 = inv(C1)
! pk2 stress
S1 = 2.*C10*J**(-2./3.)*dev(C1)*invC1 + kappa*(J-1)*J*invC1
! push forward to cauchy stress
S1 = piola(F1,S1)/J
! material elasticity tensor
C4 = 2.*C10 * J**(-2./3.) * 2./3. *
* ( tr(C1) * (invC1.cdya.invC1)
* - (Eye.dya.invC1) - (invC1.dya.Eye)
* + tr(C1)/3. * (invC1.dya.invC1) )
* + (kappa*(J-1)*J+kappa*J**2) * (invC1.dya.invC1)
* - 2.*kappa*(J-1)*J* (invC1.cdya.invC1)
! push forward to jaumann tangent of cauchy stress for abaqus
C4 = piola(F1,C4)/J + (S1.cdya.Eye)+(Eye.cdya.S1)
! output as array
STRESS(1:ntens) = asabqarray(voigt(S1),ntens)
DDSDDE(1:ntens,1:ntens) = asabqarray(voigt(C4),ntens,ntens)